School’s Out Washington is proud to be a part of the Million Girls Moonshot initiative. Over the next 5 years, we will be working to inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators by engaging one million more girls across the country in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs.

An initiative of the STEM Next Opportunity Fund, the Million Girls Moonshot is an ambitious, broad-based effort to engage more girls in STEM learning. Especially in this time of crisis as young people experience widespread learning loss, we are more committed than ever to inspiring and preparing girls and young women to find the solutions to tomorrow’s societal needs.

Be on the lookout for a new professional development training series focused on STEM including topics such as:

  • STEM identity
  • Culturally responsive STEM programming
  • Aligning STEM interests with STEM career pathways

We developed a resource page with information about career exploration, STEM professional development, and STEM activities and programming.

Browse the full resource list here.