King County Professional Learning System

School’s Out Washington and Best Starts for Kids (BSK) King County are partnering to implement the King County Professional Learning System.
This Professional Learning System offers open access to continuous learning opportunities for King County-based youth programs. These trainings encompass a variety of topics, including the Weikart Center’s Youth Program Quality Intervention workshops, equity and cultural responsiveness in youth programming, STEM, school-age child care basics, management, and much more.
Where to access trainings
The King County Professional Learning System training calendar will be updated quarterly and hold all trainings available through this system. We hope this supports organizations and individuals to better plan out their quality improvement and professional development opportunities.
Who’s eligible
The system provides free and accessible professional development and training opportunities to organizations and/or individuals that are:
- BSK Strategy 5-24 grantees
- BSK – OST grantees
- Housing and Expanded Learning Opportunities (HELO) cohort members
- City of Seattle (DEEL) cohort members
- Licensed school-age CCAP providers
- Licensed school-age childcare providers regardless of county (through partnership with Department of Children, Youth, & Families)
Note—during the Coronavirus pandemic SOWA is committed to supporting your organization and staff’s professional development and training needs. Until further notice all King County Professional Learning System trainings will be FREE and virtual to any youth development and/or educational professional regardless of geographic location, organization/company, or relationship to SOWA.
For questions about how to engage with this training system, contact our Program Quality Division Director, Ka’ohe Wong, at
Questions regarding a specific training opportunity and/or registration, please email our training team at