Summer Program Fund Partner Outreach Guide

We appreciate your support in sharing information about the 2022 Summer Program Fund with organizations that may be eligible to apply.
This online outreach guide includes the following components:
- Fund overview
- Key messages to use in outreach to eligible providers
- “RFP announcement” email template
- Announcement for websites or online groups
- “RFP update” email template
- “Reminder” email template
- Social media graphics to share
Please use this timeline to schedule outreach activities:
- Send “RFP announcement” email on November 5
- Post about the opportunity on your website, beginning on November 5
- Post about the opportunity on social media, beginning on November 5
- Notify specific providers directly (telephone, text, email or in person, beginning on November 5
- Send “RFP Update” email on November 11
- Send “Deadline Reminder” email between November 22 and December 1
Questions? Email