Skills & Dispositions, Part 1: Definition and Measurement

An overview of the most influential research on student motivation, engagement, and 21st-century skills. This paper, originally published in 2012 and revised by in 2014 by Youth Development Executives of King County,  presents a holistic framework for thinking about student success. It provides operational definitions for the skills and dispositions that matter most, and suggests ways that educators, parents, and out-of-school-time program providers can begin to measure these skills in young people. This is the first of a two-part series. The second part covers strategies for building motivation, engagement, and 21st-century skills.

Skills and Dispositions Executive Summary

This artifact is a brief executive summary of YDEKC’s series on student motivation, engagement, and 21st-century skills. The first part of the series, published in 2012 (revised in 2014) proposed a working  definition  of motivation and engagement,  and  suggested  possible approaches to  measurement. The second part, released in 2014, describes a number of strategies for building motivation and engagement in schools and in out-of-school-time settings. YDEKC (Youth Development Executives of King County) served the King County region of Washington State from 2010 to 2023.

Skills & Dispositions, Part 2 – Strategies

This report, published by Youth Development Executives of King County (2010-2023) in 2014, illuminates strategies that support the development of student motivation, engagement, and 21st-century skills. Fourteen strategies are featured; some are foundational (high-quality instruction, cultural responsiveness, positive school climate) while others are more specific (e.g. arts integration, community-based mentoring). This is the second in a two-part series. The first part provides an overview of research on student motivation, engagements, and 21st-century skills.

What is Youth Development

Youth development, or positive youth development, served as the unifying principle for a diverse coalition of organizations supported by Youth Development Executives of King County (YDEKC) from 2010 to 2023 in King County, WA. This printer-friendly two-pager, published in 2019, defines youth development, and connects it to social and emotional learning.