Resource Category: Professional Learning
Quality Intervention Coaching Services Menu
School’s Out Washington’s Coaching Services Menu lists several ways your coach can assist you through each phase of the Youth Program Quality Intervention process. Coaching services can be delivered virtually, or in person.
Coaching Services Philosophy Overview
School’s Out Washington’s professional learning model includes coaching and training aligned to the Washington State Core Competencies and Program Quality Standards for Afterschool and Youth Development Programs. SOWA’s coaching approach is youth centered, relationship-based, and holistic to foster equity, inclusion, and cultural responsiveness. This document provides an overview of our Coaching Philosophy and services.
Program Quality & Continuous Quality Improvement Overview
Research confirms that high quality afterschool and youth development programs positively impact social skill development, academic achievement, and risk reduction for the youth they serve. While a variety of factors contribute to quality, research shows that trained and skilled staff are essential to creating safe, engaging, interactive, youth-centered programs. This document outlines Continuous Quality Improvement including its Standards, Measures, Cycles and Supports.
SOWA Quality Cohort Questionnaire
There are many ways to engage with Quality and work with your team to support continuous quality improvement. One of the most intensive is to join a Quality Cohort. This questionnaire will help you gauge your organization and/or program’s capacity to participate in a Quality Cohort.
Housing & Expanded Learning Opportunities Toolkit
The Housing & Expanded Learning Opportunities toolkit is a guide for the housing sector (public, nonprofit, and/or private entities) to consider how to bring programs or create programs for their youth residents. It includes recommendations, anecdotal examples, models, templates, and serves as a primer to learn about the afterschool and youth development field. This toolkit was brought to you by the HELO Network—a network composed of youth development and housing professionals from King County, Washington. Their mission is to close opportunity gaps through aligned systems and partnerships between Housing and Expanded Learning Opportunities that focus on accessible, high quality experiences … [ ]