School’s Out Washington & The Best Starts For Kids Out-of-School Time Initiative Evaluation Report 2018-2022

With the Best Starts For Kids Out-of-School (BSK OST) grant initiative, School’s Out Washington (SOWA) saw an opportunity to not only provide significant financial support, but to also embed a system of youth program quality support, capacity development, and continuous quality improvement. The BSK OST grant provided funding and support to grantees for three years, with the opportunity to extend another one and a half years. SOWA also provided grantees with quality supports aligned with the Youth Program Quality Initiative, including training, one-on-one coaching, program quality assessments using the Social-Emotional Learning Program Quality Assessment tool, and peer learning community meetings. … [ ]

BSK Expanded Learning 2022-2025 RFP

Investing in youth programs that are grounded in community. The King County Best Starts for Kids (BSK) Expanded Learning Initiative channels resources to providers in communities across King County that are working to improve their practices and provide afterschool and summer programming for Black, Indigenous and youth of color (BIPOC) and youth in poverty to flourish outside of the school day.  The RFP process opened on March 10, 2022. Applications are due on April 27, 2022 by 11:59 PM. Access more details here.

Quality Intervention Coaching Services Menu

School’s Out Washington’s Coaching Services Menu lists several ways your coach can assist you through each phase of the Youth Program Quality Intervention process. Coaching services can be delivered virtually, or in person.