Wedgwood Drama Studio blossomed out of a need for a creative, uplifting space for dramatic learning and expression in North Seattle. Founder and Director, Christi Cruz, calls it home. A seasoned actor, proud mom of three and Wedgwood resident, Christi founded her business in 2008. Since then, Wedgwood Drama Studio has been a place where youth can have, “a safe and supportive environment to practice the skills drama engages [that are] vital to a young person’s growth and education in the classroom and beyond.”

“For me, it’s always about the process and not the product,” said Cruz, “We want them to stand with confidence. They get to lead, write scripts, choose what they want to wear, and just feel good in their bodies.”
Cruz sees theater as an opportunity to grow lifelong skills like working as an ensemble, listening to each other’s ideas and trying new things. Her staff is made up of diverse teaching artists who love kids and are passionate about teaching arts in a way that is inclusive.
“For kids, play is their job when they’re young. Our job as adults is to listen, see what’s important to them and let them be kids. This is a place where we show that we care about what they’re thinking. Where we help them tell stories that reflect what’s on their mind,” said Cruz.
Programs and Offerings:
- After School Drama programs and Residencies in schools
- Drama classes for young people at our studio location
- Early education Dramatic Play classes for 3-5 year olds
- Summer Theater Camps and Break Camps
- Collaborative opportunities for community organizations seeking Dramatic Arts Education
- Professionals dedicated to teaching young people in our community

Wedgwood Drama Studio also offers a limited scholarship program to ensure their programs are available to those who want to participate. “I want every kid to have access to theater and creativity. As a business owner, I have resources that others can tap into. I want to be able to pay it forward. This is why I started Wedgwood Drama Studio.”
Many participants grow up in the program from Elementary through High School. Some are even inspired to pursue theater in college.
“I hope it feels like a place where you can be yourself. It’s familiar, it’s safe, you’re heard and respected. You can take risks when you’re ready and do things without feeling judged,” said Cruz.