Rey Ward
Program Quality Cohort Manager
Rey manages SOWA's Program Quality work in Tacoma and Pierce County, focusing mainly on supporting the Pierce County Quality Cohort and coordinating access to professional learning, training, assessment, and coaching supports.
rward@schoolsoutwashington.orgRey has been a youth development professional for 13 years and has been mentoring young people for as long as they can remember. They are guided by the motto “be who you needed when you were younger,” and have had the opportunity to apply that philosophy through summer camps, youth sports, after-school programs, leadership development, and more. Rey was introduced to SOWA by participating in a program quality cohort and is excited to help guide others in their professional and program development. Rey is a fierce advocate and member of the LGBTQIA+ community, an ever-learning anti-racist activist, and an amplifier of Youth Voice.