Logic Model Example for Partnerships

A logic model is a visual summary of program theory. It lays out a series of steps showing how program inputs, activities, and outputs lead to outcomes. When developing a logic model, it is helpful to get ideas from existing ones. Here is a sample logic model for a prototypical out-of-school-time program.

Sample Partnership Charter

This sample charter from the Seattle Public Schools is a simple way to document the roles and responsibilities of schools, partners, and school districts in a partnership. See our planning tool for help creating a partnership charter.

Logic Model Facilitator Guide for Partnerships

This tool is designed to help pairs or teams define the elements of a program logic model through conversation. Our Theory of Change to Logic Model Worksheet for Partnerships is designed to elicit similar information in a less interactive way. 

Logic Model Template for Partnerships

A logic model is a visual summary of program theory. It lays out a series of steps showing how program inputs, activities, and outputs lead to outcomes. This MS Word template can help to lay out your program theory visually and map inputs to outcomes in a logic model format. See our sample logic model for additional guidance. 

Partnership Charter Planning Tool

Use this template to help determine the key roles and responsibilities in your partnership. You can then create a charter that is general, as in our Sample Partnership Charter, or one that is more detailed and specific. 

Partnership Ecosystem Introduction

This paper outlines a vision for a “partnership ecosystem” that unites school-based service providers into a seamless web of supports for students. Here we describe the rationale for school-community partnerships and the key features of a thriving ecosystem. This document serves as the basis for YDEKC’s School & Community Partnership Toolkit.