YDST Site Visit Toolkit
Toolkit for Planning Site Visits with Legislators
Toolkit for Planning Site Visits with Legislators
Local governments can be a key partner for youth development programs. This collaboration can be inthe form of funding, space, materials, and even programming. Programs are not limited to electedofficials; other local taxing districts such as parks, libraries, and others are ripe for partnership. This resource provides tips on how to collaborate and move an issue and funding options to consider. This resource was developed to support the work of the Youth Development Strategy Table in Washington State.
As the state and country move towards a whole-child approach to education, now is time to forgecreative and innovative partnerships between districts and community-based service providers tosupport 21st century student needs and goals. This resource provides ideas and tips for approaching school districts, and K-12 funding sources in Washington State that can be applied towards youth development programming led by community-based organizations. While funding is an important collaborationopportunity, space (including use of kitchens), materials and virtual education tools, transportation, andprogram development offer other points of partnership. This resource was developed to support the work of the Youth Development Strategy Table … [ ]