Evaluation Planning Worksheet for Partnerships

Schools and community-based organizations can use this tool to map out an evaluation plan with their partners. It guides you through the process of identifying shared evaluation questions and determining how and when you will collect data to find answers.

Feedback Loop Exercise

Feedback of all kinds is important in a partnership. Use this activity with a partner to practice giving and receiving feedback. 

Partnership Charter Planning Tool

Use this template to help determine the key roles and responsibilities in your partnership. You can then create a charter that is general, as in our Sample Partnership Charter, or one that is more detailed and specific. 

Partnership Ecosystem Introduction

This paper outlines a vision for a “partnership ecosystem” that unites school-based service providers into a seamless web of supports for students. Here we describe the rationale for school-community partnerships and the key features of a thriving ecosystem. This document serves as the basis for YDEKC’s School & Community Partnership Toolkit.

Partnership Ecosystem Mapping Activity

This activity is designed to help school and community leaders map out the ecosystem of supports for students at a school site. This can be a helpful exercise if you want to visually represent the complexity of partnerships. See the sample map to get an idea of what a finished map can look like.