Reflecting on Data Overview

Communication of evaluation findings with both internal and external audiences is critically important. Different audiences have different needs when it comes to data. Think about who needs to know what, and when and how they need to know it, when sharing evaluation results.

Root Cause Analysis Protocol

This protocol is designed to help program staff work backward from data on youth outcomes to underlying root causes. It uses a 5 whys method, and then moves on to identifying which root cause is most directly actionable.

Sample Attendance Tracking Data

Virtually all programs track participant attendance, though methods vary according to program needs. Our Excel workbook provides a simple attendance tracker that tabulates basic attendance statistics for a generic out-of-school-time program.

Sample Data Security Self-Assessment

This sample self-assessment provides some tips for goal-setting around data security. It is based on the principles outlined in Strive Together’s Student Data Privacy Best Practices.

Sample Evaluation Budget 

This spreadsheet shows a sample of a very simple evaluation budget. You can customize to fit your own situation as needed.

Sample Evaluation Budget

This spreadsheet shows a sample of a very simple evaluation budget. You can customize to fit your own situation as needed.