Partnership Ecosystem Introduction

This paper outlines a vision for a “partnership ecosystem” that unites school-based service providers into a seamless web of supports for students. Here we describe the rationale for school-community partnerships and the key features of a thriving ecosystem. This document serves as the basis for YDEKC’s School & Community Partnership Toolkit.

Partnership Ecosystem Mapping Activity

This activity is designed to help school and community leaders map out the ecosystem of supports for students at a school site. This can be a helpful exercise if you want to visually represent the complexity of partnerships. See the sample map to get an idea of what a finished map can look like. 

Partnership Proposal Planning Worksheet

How do you draft a partnership plan to propose to a school? This is one way to prepare for an initial meeting with school sites. This worksheet helps organizations answer essential questions about their offerings before meeting with schools.

YDEKC Thriving Leaders of Color Fund Announcement

In early 2022, Youth Development Executives of King County (YDEKC) announced grantees of the Thriving Leaders of Color Fund, an initiative designed to advance, rejuvenate, and/or celebrate leaders of color within youth-serving organizations.