Best Starts Highlight: After-School All-Stars

One of the greatest challenges facing youth development nonprofits is access to sustainable and multiyear funding, especially for smaller, grassroots, and BIPOC-led programs. In partnership with King County Best Starts, SOWA works to address this issue by providing funding and quality- and capacity-building supports for expanded learning providers through the Best Starts For Kids Expanded Learning Initiative. This initiative invests in BIPOC-led organizations as well as Place-Based Collaboratives—made up of at least three organizations offering programming in school or housing communities. When After-School All-Stars (ASAS) Puget Sound opened in Washington in 2016, SOWA helped them understand the local youth development … [ ]

RSIP Spotlight: Bridging Cultural Gaps

Bridging Cultural Gaps’ Hidden Genius program, which has introduced traditionally marginalized students of color to the fast-growing field of technology since 2018, is about more than learning applicable skills like coding—it’s about belonging, connection, and possibility. Abdi Haro, program manager at Bridging Cultural Gaps, recognized the potential of offering this programming to Afghan refugee students in his community, but he simply didn’t have the capacity to do so effectively. That changed in 2023 when Abdi learned about a federal grant opportunity provided through Washington Department of Social and Health Services’ Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance, which was administered by … [ ]

Quality Spotlight: Living Well Kent

For youth program coordinators Yusuf Ali-Halane and Ankita Gupta, engaging with quality improvement has been a journey of both individual growth and collective transformation for the youth and families they serve at Living Well Kent. As a Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)-led organization funded by the King County Best Starts Expanded Learning Initiative, Living Well Kent receives ongoing coaching support from lead coach at School’s Out Washington (SOWA), Lynda Llavore. “Lynda helped us grow as individuals, helped us know our own strengths,” said Ankita. “That has helped us cultivate programs that work for the benefit of youth.” SOWA’s … [ ]

BSK-funded programs had fun in the sun this summer with learning that shared common themes

Best Starts for Kids Expanded Learning grantees provided incredible summer learning opportunities to youth across King County through a variety of engaging programs and activities. Highlights from this summer included field trips across the region, celebrations of food and culture, exploring health and well-being, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) activities, academic supports, and so much more.   Field trips Youth especially loved heading outside to explore and enjoy the local nature that the Northwest has to offer. For example, Living Well Kent’s summer program went on a field trip to the Soos Botanical Garden. The youth enjoyed the diverse, … [ ]

Celebrating the legacy of YDEKC, a pivotal King County coalition and convener 

When Youth Development Executives of King County (YDEKC) was created in 2010, the youth development sector in King County was made up of loosely connected agencies, often competing for scarce funds and ill equipped to stand in equal partnership with other youth-serving sectors. From the beginning, YDEKC’s goal was to organize, activate, and empower our sector to achieve more equitable results for King County’s young people. It developed into a diverse coalition of leaders representing youth-serving community-based organizations. Its members partnered with schools, communities, and families to ensure every young person has what they need to learn, grow, and thrive.  … [ ]

A powerful intersection between expanded learning, housing, and healthcare 

Last week was National Summer Learning week and I had a great time visiting sites in the Pierce County community where some very cool and innovative summer learning programs are happening right now. I am a firm believer that the intersecting systems that support youth outside of the traditional school day (and during the summer months) are critical to fostering passion and purpose on a young person’s journey to becoming who they are destined to be. This ecosystem of out-of-school time spaces is uniquely positioned to address things that schools miss or simply cannot take on.   Here’s a quick … [ ]