The Bridge Conference space comes to life with your perspective, wisdom, and questions. We value your presence and your participation and want you to get the most out of our time together. 

Sharing Pronouns 

In the spirit of creating an inclusive space for everyone, we invite you to add your pronouns to your nametag when signing in. Creating an explicit culture around sharing pronouns is one way to support people’s right to determine how they want to be addressed, and affirms the dignity of trans, non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming folks.

We All Belong Here 

It is our goal to cultivate a sense of belonging for everyone at Bridge. If you experience discrimination or bias based on race, religious belief, national origin, immigration status, age, sex, pregnancy, citizenship, familial status, disability status, or Veteran status during your stay at our hotel partner, at the venue, or during your Conference experience, we encourage you to let us know so we can follow up to address the matter or remedy the situation in order to create an environment where all are welcome and valued.

To report an incident, you may approach any School’s Out Washington staff member, notify us at, call our Conference phone number, or an anonymous form.

Considerations for our collective learning 

  • All languages are welcomed, accepted and encouraged. 
  • We recognize that we are a neurodiverse community: we all take in knowledge, navigate environments, and express ourselves differently. We encourage you to participate via one or more modes – active listening, note taking, asking questions, and/or sharing in group discussions. 
  • We seek to meet you where you are at. Our intention is to offer an array of sessions that match different learning preferences, from interactive workshops with group discussions and activities to presentations, and workshops tailored for those with beginning, intermediate, or advanced knowledge of specific subjects. 
  • We strive to support you with any questions and feedback. In addition to the presenter(s), each session will be supported by at least one staff or volunteer, and live customer service support will be available before, during, and after the conference. 

Encouraging Mindfulness and Restoration 

  • Breaks Between Sessions: We intentionally scheduled transition periods and breaks of 15-20 minutes in-between sessions to encourage participants to take care of basic needs and move to the next session. 
  • Give yourself and others grace: We invite you to collaborate with us to cultivate a community of care.