School’s Out Washington (SOWA), in partnership with Best Start for Kids (BSK), is seeking proposals for the 2022-2025 King County Best Starts for Kids Expanded Learning Initiative.
The RFP and application are available here. Proposals are due on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 by 11:59 PM.
Investments in the BSK Expanded Learning Initiative will strengthen and increase expanded learning opportunities for King County young people (ages 5-13) who are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and/or living in poverty.
Expanded learning provides young people with high-quality programming through a range of activities including academic enrichment, cultural and social development activities, physical activity and health promotion, arts education, and leadership development. Expanded learning programs and organizations emphasize the importance of meeting young people where they are – physically, academically, socially, and emotionally— to help them build the relationships, competencies, and confidence they need to reach their full potential.
The RFP is open to nonprofit organizations, including religious organizations[1]; community-based organizations; tribes and tribal organizations; and public or governmental agencies serving communities in King County. Small nonprofits and community-based organizations are encouraged to submit proposals. Applicants must meet one of the two eligibility criteria:
BIPOC-Led Organizations
These are individual organizations that are embedded within culturally-specific or cross-cultural communities of color. BIPOC-Led Organizations provide, or plan to provide, expanded learning opportunities for King County young people (ages 5-13).
Place-Based Collaboratives
Place-Based Collaboratives comprise at least three partner organizations, in which a school or housing community is a collaborative lead, non-lead partner or champion. Place-Based Collaboratives provide, or plan to provide, expanded learning opportunities for King County young people (ages 5-13).
SOWA is seeking peer reviewers to review Expanded Learning Initiative proposals. If you are interested in serving as a peer reviewer, please submit the Peer Reviewer Interest Form.
Please consult SOWA’s website for further information and direct any questions to
[1] Funds to religious organizations may not support religious programming or materials, nor can participation in religious activities (such as prayers or lessons with a religious purpose) be a required component for youth participants.