About School’s Out Washington

We’re building a stronger, more equitable expanded learning system for Washington state.

For over 30 years, we’ve dedicated ourselves to strengthening community systems that support quality expanded learning programs for Washington’s children and youth. 

Young people need safe spaces to learn and grow when they’re not in school. 

High-quality expanded learning programs meet young people where they’re at—physically, academically, socially, and emotionally—to help them build the relationships, competencies, and confidence they need to thrive. These fundamental opportunities for growth must be integrated into and aligned with other systems of support that young people navigate.

As an intermediary, School’s Out Washington does not provide direct services to children and young people. Instead we help increase access and improve quality and equity within summer and after school programs. We do this work as part of a larger ecosystem of partners and community.

Our collective success will ensure that:

  • All children and youth (ages 5 through young adulthood) can access culturally and developmentally supportive expanded learning programs in the communities where they live
  • Expanded learning programs are responsive to community need and integral to community well-being
  • Expanded learning professionals are part of a valued, financially viable workforce
  • Youth-serving organizations and staff  have access to training and support that fosters professional learning and improves program quality
  • Funding and support for expanded learning is ample, equitable, and sustained
  • The diversity and equity practices within expanded learning programs are designed so that staff knowledge and program offerings recognize and honor the needs of the communities they serve.

Learn more about the work we’re doing to help realize these goals:


Text reads: "National AfterSchool Association State Affiliate"

School’s Out Washington is the Washington Affiliate of the National AfterSchool Association (NAA). NAA and its State Affiliates share a mutual purpose and agreement to support, develop, and advocate for Out-of-School Time (OST) professionals and the profession. NAA and its State Affiliates build connectivity among stakeholders and create opportunities for engagement to ensure a vibrant future for the Out-of-School Time profession.

OST professionals who are not currently paid NAA members and live in Washington, our state affiliation and a Bridge Conference registration make you eligible for a free NAA membership. If you prefer, NAA membership may be purchased directly from NAA on a sliding scale from $25 to $150.

Learn more about NAA membership here.